Collection: Stage & Film

Explore our extensive range of high-quality blank ammunition specifically designed for stage and film productions. We offer .380 Brass Stage Ammo, perfect for creating realistic firearm effects, as well as 9mm Auto Brass Ammo, known for its reliability in action scenes. Don’t miss our .223/556 AR-15 Brass Ammo, ideal for dramatic military simulations, along with versatile 8mm Brass Ammo and 9mm PAK Brass Ammo that are sure to elevate your visual storytelling. These exceptional ammunition options will bring an extra level of authenticity to your project. Plus, enjoy the convenience of free shipping on all orders over $150!

Stage & Film

Prop Guns and Making Movies

The most used prop in movie making is the prop gun. With 14,053 movies coming out in 2022 it is said that 60% of movies have at least one firearm featured in them.

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